BiM stands for ‘Body in Music’ a body related method using music in the treatment of people with multiple or profound multiple disabilities. The BiM-method consists of more then 30 different activities. Any BiM-activity has been created with music, material and a route across the body. The music, the material and the route across the body form a unity so that it becomes recognizable and predictable. The BiM-method contributes to alertness, relaxation, making contact, communication and sensory information processing. Due to the clear structure of the BiM activities, the BiM method can also be used well for people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).
The caretakers/ teacher translates the music with the material on the body of this person and gives them the opportunity to experience their own body. During the BiM-activities you hear the music and feel the vibrations of that music at the same time. During the BiM-activities you can literally feel a certain rhythm, measure or melody line on your body of the BiM music.
Consequently the BiM-activities are a targeted and meaningful method in residential care groups, day care centre or special needs education.
There is also interest in the BiM-method outside the Netherlands. In Belgium we regularly give the BiM-course. Patrick has been invited to in München, Kempten, Würzburg, Eisingen und Hamburg in Germany. He has been invited to Cyprus a number of times to teach the BiM-method for carriers in three day center of the ‘Association for the Welfare of People with Mental Handicap’ in Nicosia (October 2016/ May 2017) and the ‘Association of Music Therapists’ in Limassol (May 2019).
The course is intended for care and teaching professionals who works directly with children or adults suffering from profound multiple mental disabilities or peoples with ASD. (for example activity counselors, group leaders, parents, group teachers, classroom assistants, music therapists or music teachers). Additional for music therapists and music teachers is the Train-the-trainer day.
Do you want more information about the BiM-method or BiM-course? Please contact us.